Press Releases
Shayne Austin Miller, Director of Marketing and Communications
(732) 528-3735
[email protected]
Algonquin Invites Seeking Donors To Support Restroom Expansion
"Long Lines Are Gonna Clear Up, Put on a Happy Face" Says the Theatre's Video Appeal
MANASQUAN, N.J. (February 14, 2017) - The Algonquin's "Take a Seat" campaign funded the replacement more than 500 seats in the theatre in 2014, and now a "Second Seat" campaign seeks to expand the number of restrooms at the theatre.
"Anyone who has been to a sold-out show here knows why we're looking to expand our restrooms," said Pamela Ward, Algonquin's Executive Director. "The long restroom lines at intermission are our single biggest patron complaint. We've been working with an architect for the past several months, and we now have the plans for the project.
"The next step is to raise the capital to complete the work."
The fundraising campaign had a soft launch during the theatre's December production of "White Christmas," and last month the campaign formally began during "Barefoot in the Park." The campaign is centered on a humorous video played at the end of intermission. A version of the video is also viewable on the theatre's website and Facebook page.
In the video, Ward lays out the details of the project and how patrons can support it, while the theatre's administrative staff and volunteers sing parody versions of hit Broadway show tunes.
"Long lines" replace the "gray skies" from "Bye, Bye Birdie's" hit song to form the campaign's slogan "Long lines are gonna clear up, put on a happy face." The parody lyric continues: "Uncross your legs and cheer up, put on a happy face."
Hit music from "Rent," "Phantom of the Opera," "Chicago," "Beauty & The Beast" and "Les Miserables" all make cameo appearances. The video can be viewed online at algonquinarts.org/secondseat.
"Talking about toilets, sinks and plumbing can generally be an awkward conversation," said Ward. "We wanted to inject some humor into the discussion. The feedback from our patrons regarding the video has been overwhelmingly positive."
Anyone who has dreamed of having their name written on a bathroom wall, and makes a tax deductible donation of $50 or more, will be honored on a permanent recognition wall designed for this project.
Additional details on giving levels are available online at algonquinarts.org or by calling 732-528-9211. The additional restroom space will be added between the theatre's Acting Studio and Victoria J. Mastrobuono studio. Six private, unisex half bathrooms - each with a toilet and sink - should cut wait times at intermission in half. The area where the restrooms will be built has primarily been used as storage.
Donations can be made any Algonquin performance, online at algonquinarts.org/secondseat, by mail 'Attention Second Seat Campaign' or by calling 732-528-9211.
The video promoting the campaign was produced by Algonquin Arts Theatre in conjunction with Mackanic Media of Howell, N.J. In addition to Ward, the video features Algonquin staff Jan Topoleski, technical director; Julie Nagy, education director; Janice Mosko, box office manager; Teresa Staub, outgoing senior development director; Nicole Blake, house manager; Lisa Alger, assistant house manager; Liz Shouvlin, development associate; David Weber, operations director; and David Applegate, marketing director. Volunteers appearing in the video are Jackie Behson, Box Office; and actors Brendan Flanagan, John B. Gekle Jr., Jake Walsh, Gavin Springer and Analise Piemonte.
Located in Manasquan, N.J., AAT is an integral part of the Shore Region, offering broad access to arts experiences across multiple disciplines. Deeply committed to education, AAT serves students of all ages not only through art and music instruction, but also through the unique communal conversation that exists between audience member and performer. The theatre provides a platform for local and regional performers to showcase their work and offers audiences the opportunity to engage very directly and personally in the arts, fostering greater participation and providing an engaging means for exploring personal and societal issues through the world of the stage.
Algonquin Arts Theatre's programs are made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts / Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts. Funding is also provided by Manasquan Bank, the Paul F. Zito, M.D. Educational Foundation, the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, the Freed Foundation, the PNC Foundation, the Horizon Foundation of New Jersey, the OceanFirst Foundation, the Investors Bank Foundation, the Provident Bank Foundation and the generosity of our patrons.
The theatre was voted New Jersey's favorite small performing arts center south of the Raritan River in 2015.