
Eight performances will run from May 9 - May 18, 2025
Director: Jan Topoleski
Music Director: Robert Sammond
Choreographer: Kathleen Pearlberg
In-person auditions scheduled as follows:
- Monday, February 24. Open-call, starting at 7:30 p.m.
Actors 18 years of age and older - Tuesday, February 25. Open-call, starting at 7:30 p.m.
Actors 18 years of age and older
*** Age ranges are historically accurate to characters but may not reflect actual age of the actor.
All auditions will be at the Algonquin Arts Theatre, 60 Abe Voorhees, Manasquan, NJ.
Please prepare a 32-measure cut of a musical theatre song, in the style of the show that shows your vocal range to be heard and performed at the open call audition. Actors need to provide sheet music (piano/vocal), in the correct key, of the song they are auditioning with for the piano accompaniment.
1776 Audition Form
Please submit the following via this form:
- Headshot
- Resume
MUSIC SIDES (Download as .pdf files)
- Abigail - "Piddle Twiddle"
- Abigail and John - "Till Then"
- Adams - "Piddle Twiddle"
- Courier - "Momma Look Sharp"
- Dickinson - "Cool, Cool, Considerate Men"
- Franklin, Jefferson, Livingston, Sherman - "But Mr. Adams"
- Lee - "The Lees of Old Virginia"
- Martha - "He Plays The Violin"
- Rutledge - "Molasses to Rum"
DIALOGUE SIDES (Download as .pdf files)
- Adams
- Franklin
- Lee, Adams, Franklin
- Thomson
- Dickinson
- Hancock
- Adams, Franklin, Jefferson
- Adams, Franklin, Martha
- Courier, McKean, Hancock
- Rutledge, Adams, Jefferson
- Dickinson, Jefferson, Wilson
- John, Abigail
- Hopkins
In-person callback will be held the evening of Wednesday, February 26 from 7:30-10:30 pm.
Actors will be notified as to whether they should attend the callback scheduled. If the callback is a conflicting time, please indicate this on your audition form.
Rehearsals will be at Algonquin Arts Theatre or in a nearby location. Rehearsals to begin in March of 2025. Exact rehearsal schedule will be set once the availability of all actors is learned but will take place during weekday evenings and weekends (depending on role and when called).
BEFORE YOU AUDITION, be advised that all actors must be available for rehearsals that are to be scheduled according to the actor's role. It is mandatory for actors to be available for all scheduled evening tech rehearsals (May 4-8) and performances (May 9-May 18). Conflicts will not be accepted after the cast has been announced.
Visit our ticket sales event page for details.
Witness the birth of a nation in 1776: a revolutionary musical experience! Join John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and other iconic figures as they draft the Declaration of Independence. This Tony Award-winning musical is a gripping portrayal of some of the most pivotal moments in American history. 1776 is not just a musical; it's a captivating journey that brings history to life with stirring melodies and a patriotic spirit. Our production will be mounted with period costumes and wigs. This is an ensemble show. All roles actively participate in the scenes depicting the Colonial Congress.
John Adams (Massachusetts) - Age 41. High baritone or medium tenor. John Adams is the leading voice for separation from England and the Declaration of Independence. Unfortunately, his tendency toward fiery rhetoric makes him generally disliked by other Congress members. John is a dutiful husband. Opinionated, passionate, and a bit boisterous, he wears his age with pride. Starving for independence from England. C3 to F#4.
Benjamin Franklin (Pennsylvania) - Age 70. Baritone or low tenor. Franklin is intelligent, well-traveled and pleasantly cunning. His logic often prevails where the emotions of other fail. He and Adams lead the charge for independence. A Jolly and admirable fellow, he is an energetic older man, but often acts much younger. Ab2 to Eb4.
Thomas Jefferson (Virginia) - 33 years old. Medium tenor or high baritone. Jefferson is a man of few words, but when he speaks, he commands attention. Should be taller than average. Pensive, quiet, strong silent type. Sense of humor. Architect, writer, farmer, scientist, statesman, lawyer, violin player. Very much in love with his wife. C3 to G4.
John Dickinson (Pennsylvania) - Age 44. Baritone. A thin, hawkish gentleman. He is sharp-tongued and a touch detestable. Dickinson is the primary adversary of the show, portrayed as opposing Independence. He represents the conservative side of Congress, the wealthy land owners who do not want to break from Great Britain. Ab2 to Eb4.
Edward Rutledge (South Carolina) - 26 years old. Strong Baritone. Speaks with an elegant, educated South Carolina accent. Statesman, lawyer, Rutledge is opposed to the Declaration of Independence because of his passionate opposition to the document's call for an end to slavery. Rutledge is haunting and somewhat ominous as the youngest member of the Continental Congress. C3 to A4.
Abigail Adams - 32 years old. Soprano or Mezzo. Wife of John Adams, her communications with John tell some of the story of the Declaration and much of the story of her and John's love and life. Abigail's tone is one of maturity, intellectual support, and strong encouragement to her husband John Adams. She is quieter and calmer than Martha Jefferson, and less flirtatious, but with a subtle sense of humor. Db4 to F5.
Martha Jefferson - 27 years old. Mezzo or soprano. The young and beautiful wife of Thomas Jefferson, Martha Jefferson is brought to Philadelphia to help dispel Jefferson's writer's block. Thomas Jefferson's very-much-in-love wife, her looks are striking, her dancing delightful, and her humor appealing. She doesn't shy away from a good time. Joy radiates from her. Bb3 to D5.
Richard Henry Lee (Virginia) - Age 45. Baritone. Speaks and sings with a noticeable country/southern twang. Richard Henry Lee is selected to make the argument for independence to the Congress, as Adams is having little luck. Lee is a willowy aristocrat. His flamboyancy is intoxicating and borderline infuriating. C3 to G4.
Robert Livingston (New York) - Age 30. Tenor. Robert Livingston is a member of the committee assigned to write the Declaration. Recently a father, Livingston's disposition has recently become one of humility and graciousness. D3 to E4 (Bb4).
Roger Sherman (Connecticut) - Age 55. Roger Sherman sides in favor of independence and is on the committee to write the Declaration. A coffee drinker with a penchant for hyperactivity. Sherman is a simple and balding cobbler. D3 to E4 (Bb4).
Samuel Chase (Maryland) - Age 35. Often portrayed by a slightly larger actor, Chase is shown in one scene eating a large meal during a break in Congress. He initially sides with Dickinson.
Charles Thomson (congressional clerk and secretary) - Age 47. In the show, he reads all the letters from General George Washington, introduces each item up for vote, gives minutes from previous sessions of congress, and has one short solo when he reads a final letter from General George Washington. Actor must be able to sound very efficient in reading letters and in rattling off long lists of congressional duties and committees.
Andrew McNair (congressional custodian and bell-ringer) Age 40-70. Baritone. A quirky, exasperated middle-aged man who lights the fires and candles, opens and closes the windows, fills the ink wells, and keeps the continental congress meeting room clean, in addition to ringing the Liberty Bell. He is supervisor to the young boy known as the Leather Apron apprentice, who is learning McNair's job. McNair's additional job is to fetch mugs of rum, mostly for Stephen Hopkins of Rhode Island.
The Courier - Age 18 or so. High Baritone or low tenor. A young messenger for Congress. The message runner between General Washington's army and the Continental Congress. He has witnessed the hardships of war firsthand, although his innocent disposition and appearance may imply otherwise. C3 to Db4.
The Leather Apron (apprentice) - Age 16 or so. Tenor or high baritone. Young apprentice in training to learn MacNair's custodial trade. Sings harmony on "Momma Look Sharp."
John Hancock (president of Congress, Massachusetts) - Age 40. Baritone. President of the 1776 Continental Congress, John Hancock, put the first and largest signature on the Declaration of Independence.
Dr. Josiah Bartlett (New Hampshire) - Age 47. Dr. Josiah Bartlett sides in favor of independence.
Stephen Hopkins (Rhode Island) - Age 70. Crusty old geezer who loves his rum. Supporter of Independence. Has an active part in the show and is always one of the most memorable characters. Usually portrayed in black Quaker hat and coat, and with long silver hair. He has a dirty old man playfulness about him. Eb4 to C4.
Lewis Morris (New York) - Age 50. Lead delegate of New York, who abstains from every vote.
Reverend John Witherspoon (New Jersey) - Age 56. Supporter of Independence, Witherspoon, argues for, and wins, the inclusion of the Supreme Being in the Declaration. Congressional Chaplain.
James Wilson (Pennsylvania) - Age 34. Wilson is portrayed as a mere "sidekick" to his fellow delegate John Dickinson, and usually parrots whatever John Dickinson says. He holds a key role in the passage of Independence at the very end of the show. Wilson casts the final vote to approve the Declaration, not because of his own belief in the cause, but because he does not want to be remembered in history as "the man who prevented American independence."
Caesar Rodney (Delaware) - Age 48. Caesar Rodney wears a type of chin strap or head scarf that apparently covers some sort of injury or malady. Caesar Rodney works hard for independence, despite the fact that he is suffering from skin cancer.
Colonel Thomas McKean (Delaware) - Age 42. Argumentative and very loud. Usually portrayed as very tall. McKean is florid and likable with a charming, yet commanding, Scottish Brogue. C3 to Eb4.
George Read (Delaware) - Age 43. Argues with members of his own delegation. Usually portrayed as a rather prissy "weasel" who always seconds the motions of the opposition (those against Independence).
Joseph Hewes (North Carolina) - Age 46. His main characteristic is that he is always deferring to Edward Rutledge of South Carolina, and does not seem to have much independent thought for himself. He is against Independence. Hewes sides with Rutledge on the slavery issue, demanding the Declaration allow slavery.
Dr. Lymon Hall (Georgia) - Age 52. Physician and pastor. Dr. Lyman Hall initially sides with Dickinson.
The Painter - Age undetermined. An artist who paints Benjamin Franklin's portrait.
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