Press Releases
Shayne Austin Miller, Director of Marketing and Communications
(732) 528-3735
[email protected]
OceanFirst Foundation Grants $10,000 To Algonquin Arts Theatre
IMAGE: http://www.algonquinarts.org/cc/OceanFirst_Algonquin_2016.jpg
Credit: Photo courtesy of Algonquin Arts Theatre.
Caption: Front row (Left to Right): Alison McGonigal, Algonquin Board Vice Chair; Nina Anuario, Senior VP, OceanFirst Bank; Teresa Staub, Algonquin Senior Director of Development; Rita Permuko, Vice President OceanFirst Bank & Spring Lake Branch Manager; Dara Brown, Algonquin Board Member. Back row: Eliot Colon, Algonquin Board Chair; Pamela Ward, Algonquin Executive Director
MANASQUAN, N.J. (September 14, 2016) - Algonquin Arts Theatre has been awarded $10,000 by OceanFirst Foundation of Toms River to help with the purchase of new digital projection equipment. Since 1997, OceanFirst Foundation has played a leading role in the growth of Algonquin Arts Theatre into leading regional performing arts center. In total, the Foundation has contributed more than $750,000 to the Algonquin in both capital and operating funds.
The theatre's existing digital projector is 20 years old and has become obsolete, with replacement parts are no longer available. The new projector and related equipment will both improve the existing multimedia presentations at the theatre and also allow for expanded use of projection during shows here at the theatre.
The upcoming season at Algonquin Arts Theatre begins with a production of "Damn Yankees" which runs for two weekends starting on Friday, September 30. Other Algonquin productions in the coming season include Irving Berlin's "White Christmas," "Elf, Jr. The Musical," the Neil Simon play "Barefoot in the Park," "A Raisin in the Sun," "Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story" and Rodgers and Hammerstein's "Carousel".
For more information on the Algonquin's calendar and education programs, visit algonquinarts.org or call 732-528-9211.
About OceanFirst Foundation
Since its founding in 1902, OceanFirst Bank (oceanfirst.com) has built a solid reputation and legacy as a good neighbor and responsible corporate citizen. The Bank's strong commitment to helping families, organizations, schools and communities throughout central New Jersey meet their financial needs has spanned several generations reaching new heights in 1996 with the creation of OceanFirst Foundation. The Foundation provides grants to organizations that meet community needs within the OceanFirst market area. Since its inception, OceanFirst Foundation has contributed more than $27 million to over 600 local charities and schools in Ocean, Monmouth and Middlesex counties. To learn more about OceanFirst Foundation visit oceanfirstfdn.org.
About Algonquin Arts Theatre
Algonquin Arts Theatre (AAT) is a 501c(3) non-profit center for performing arts, providing cultural enrichment and arts education for residents and visitors of Central New Jersey and the Jersey Shore through high quality performances and programs in theatre, music, dance and film.
Located in Manasquan, N.J., AAT is an integral part of the Shore Region, offering broad access to arts experiences across multiple disciplines. Deeply committed to education, AAT serves students of all ages not only through art and music instruction, but also through the unique communal conversation that exists between audience member and performer. The theatre provides a platform for local and regional performers to showcase their work and offers audiences the opportunity to engage very directly and personally in the arts, fostering greater participation and providing an engaging means for exploring personal and societal issues through the world of the stage.
Algonquin Arts Theatre's programs are made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts / Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts. Funding is also provided by Manasquan Bank, the Paul F. Zito, M.D. Educational Foundation, the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, the Freed Foundation, the PNC Foundation, the Horizon Foundation of New Jersey, the OceanFirst Foundation, the Investors Bank Foundation, the Provident Bank Foundation and the generosity of our patrons.
The theatre was voted New Jersey's favorite small performing arts center south of the Raritan River in 2015.