Zack Alexander: An Afternoon of Big Band Classics | Algonquin Arts Theatre
An Afternoon of Big Band Classics
Zack Alexander: An Afternoon of Big Band Classics
Saturday, February 10, 2024
with his 11-piece swing band

Zack Alexander is a jazz vocalist who specializes in the style of Frank Sinatra and The Rat Pack. As the winner of the 2016 'Sinatra Idol' competition in Hoboken, he is dedicated to bringing the Great American Songbook to life for current and future generations. This Valentine's Day themed program is overflowing with the best love songs from The Great American Songbook, as well as other big band classics. Zack will be backed by Swingadelic, an 11-piece little big band that formed in 1998 and has performed at Lincoln Center's Midsummer Night Swing, NJPAC, and various NJ jazz festivals. Prepare to swoon as Zack sings and Swingadelic swings at the Algonquin.

Saturday, February 10
Premium: Adult $42 / Senior $39 / Student $31
Regular: Adult $35 / Senior $33 / Student $26
Event Information

No children under the age of 4 except for Education Series performances. No babes in arms.

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No one under the age of four admitted. No babes in arms.